In the quiet town of Willow Creek, nestled deep in the woods, an ancient cemetery lay abandoned and forgotten. One moonless night, the ground began to tremble beneath the tombstones. Grotesque figures emerged – zombies, their eyes clouded and limbs stiff with decay. Old Man Thompson, the town's former undertaker, led the horde with an unnatural vigor. They shuffled through the streets, drawn to the warmth of the living. Panic spread as residents barricaded themselves, but the zombies, driven by insatiable hunger, broke through defenses. In a desperate battle, survivors fought against the relentless horde, but hope dwindled with each passing day. Willow Creek became a ghost town, its streets stained with blood. Legend says the cursed cemetery still emits a ghostly mist on moonless nights, a chilling reminder that some nightmares never die, but linger in the shadows, waiting to rise again.